[CQ-Contest] JH2AMH (SK)

Tack Kumagai je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp
Tue Dec 1 18:06:46 PST 2009

Fellow hams,

I got a sad notice from JK2XXK. An active contester JH2AMH went
silent key just after the CQWWCW contest.

His signal was heard in CQ-CW contest and you many guys worked him
on several bands. But you could not hear him on the bands any more.

It was the traffic accident on the way back to home from his contest
shack in the suburbs of Gifu.

If you have any personal comment to his family, you should touch with
JK2XXK <CXJ11246 at nifty.ne.jp>
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	JE1CKA <je1cka at gmai.com>

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