[CQ-Contest] anti-contest petition MMSN

hank.k8dd hank.k8dd at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 06:07:31 PST 2009

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Bill Haddon <haddon.bill at gmail.com> wrote:
> RE MMRS Petition:
> I have a different perspective.
> For the last 17 years my family has spent Thanksgiving with members and
> friends of two major sailing clubs in the SF Bay area (we are not sailers,
> however).  A  wide variety of people have attended these gatherings, which
> are usually 20-25 people.  Without exception, members of the sailing
> community have high regard for ham radio because of the services provided by
> It may be useful to look at the compilation of reported incidents at:
> http://www.mmsn.org/recent_events.htm
> MMRN is asking for about 5 or 6 KHz, a very small percentage of the 20m
> phone band.   It doesn't seem unreasonable to me particularly after reading
> the list of incidents that the group has dealt with.  These stories are
> similar to those I've heard from attendees at our Thanksgiving group.
> 73 Bill n6zfo

I took a look at that site, and it was helpful.  It looks to me like
is really counter-productive to their petition.
We all know the major contests are on weekends.  Everyone knows that.
Even the MMSN!

Since 2001 they have had 29 incidents which happened on:
Monday - 2
Tuesday - 3
Wednesday - 7
Thursday - 8
Friday - 8
Saturday - 2
Sunday - 1
That's not many days in 9 years - 31 days plus a 13 day incident that
did not coincide with a major contest!

So, yes, let them have their protected 6 kc wide 'channel'.  Monday
through Friday - that's when everything happens to them - and 3
weekends per year - Dayton weekend, Visalia weekend and Christmas

73    Hank    K8DD

"I knew that God put me on this earth to be on the radio."    Ed Bradley

"Me too!"    K8DD

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