[CQ-Contest] IARU R1 IARU contest scoring change

DLindsay.vlc at mscspain.com DLindsay.vlc at mscspain.com
Fri Dec 4 04:46:09 PST 2009

I was on the Spanish HQ team for a couple of years, both as participant and coordinator. 

While studying our strategy, it became patently obvious to me that the central EU stations had a huge advantage over us since they had within their easy reach a huge number of stations with whom they could contact on 80 and especially on 160m, whereas in Spain, the number of hams is a lot less and the majority of us live in apartments and don't have top band (or any low band) antennas. The distance to a high density nucleus of low banders is long enough to make it a tough or even impossible trip for all of those guys working with low antennas. 

Did it occur to me to petition the IARU to ban 160 from the contest? Of course not! It occurred to me instead the we needed to have a serious think about how to increase our QSO totals on those bands.....

In the end URE decided to try from EA8 and now DARC wants to change the rules? 

73 de Duncan EA5ON 

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of VR2BrettGraham
Sent: miércoles, 02 de diciembre de 2009 12:25
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] IARU R1 IARU contest scoring change

IARU Region 1 HF committee is having an interim meeting in OE land
next February.  Papers to be discussed can be found at:


In this paper, DARC suggests that QSO points in the IARU contest be


When the International Amateur Radio Union decided to continue the
IARU Contest as IARU HF World Championship. the rules were enacted
with no essential changes made since then. The calculation of QSO
points is criticised in many discussions.


The current rules state:

QSO Points:

1) 7.1. Contacts within your own ITU zone, as well as QSOs with any
IARU-member society HQ station or IARU official (counting as the
special multiplier), count one point each.
7.1.1. Contacts with a station in the same ITU zone but on a different
continent count one point.

2) 7.2. Contacts within your continent (but different ITU zone) count
three points.

3) 7.3. Contacts with a different continent and IARU zone count five

Many contesters are accustomed to the fact that QSOs with the own
continent are scored with different points than DX QSOs (QSOs with
other continents). But from the sporting point of view it is difficult to
understand that zone borders are separating one continent into different
(ITU) zones. Example: Many German stations take part in this contest
which can be found also in the logs of our neighbours. While our Eastern
neighbours score one point for each QSO with DL, our Western
neighbours score three points for a QSO with Germany because they
are located in a different ITU zone accidentally.


Presentation VIE09_C4_08 IARU HF World Championship


That the HF committee develops a new scoring method.

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