[CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?

w1md at cfl.rr.com w1md at cfl.rr.com
Mon Dec 7 13:21:39 PST 2009


I guess from the same place that N6TJ does...although Mr. Niger is much more eloquent in his posting...and gets the sentiment of what I was trying to say...only head said it more clearly (thanks Jim).

FYI...never said "you" were comparing CQ to ARRL...read closely...and building a MEGA station does not automatically guarantee a win...which is I guess why you are looking to change the rules...


---- David Kopacz <david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com> wrote: 
> Martin,
> I am amazed. Where do you come up with this stuff?
> "If you focused as much effort on 'having fun' as you do on trying to
> make changes to the rules...Man, I can only imagine how much fun you'd
> be having"
> How many contests have I operated from 6Y1V? A dozen or more. 
> How many complaints have I made about the scoring? One.
> I have plenty of fun. Having fun doesn't preclude an effort to evaluate
> and possibly change a scoring system that induces an unfair advantage
> based solely upon location rather than skill.
> You mention a scoring system that has worked well for many years, but
> when you really examine the scores across many years, you see the real
> picture. The same guys wining over nad over based on location, not
> necessarily skill. There are many examples of this other than the one
> that I chose. Look at the European scores. In M2 alone, there have been
> scores from Europe that have more Q's and more multipliers but are 7th
> 8th and lower in the standings simple because they must work other
> europeans and get only 1 points for these contacts.
> I never compared this contest with ARRL, not would I. I am not saying
> the scoring needs to be setup like ARRL or WAE, I am meerely saying it
> needs to be examined, and adjustments could be made to "level the
> playing field" so that guys like Andy, who work hard and clearly out
> perform their competitor, can win.
> You state " I go to V26 for ARRL because it is closer to the US than PJ2
> and P40...but it's not as close as 6Y1V...and you guys have the
> advantage...big time...on the lower bands...but we don't complain about
> it."
> There's nothing to complain about here. The scoring is fair. PJ2T has
> beat us. We have beat them. We beat you not because of scoring, but
> because of antennas. If you were to erect a stack of 40 meters yagis,
> install an 80 meter four square and a 160 meter full size delta loop at
> 140', you would compete with us very well. 
> In CQWW it's a diffierent story. Look how much effort it took us to
> barely beat PJ2T. It's absurd. The gap is huge and it's that way all
> around the world, not just the Caribbean. If you can't see this, then I
> am sorry. There's really no point in further "discussions" with you.
> I have received dozens of emails form people that agree with me. The
> system needs adjustment. Someone has to bring it up. It might as well be
> me!
> By the way, nice job at NQ4I. I am always rooting for Rick and his team!
> David ~ KY1V
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Kopacz [mailto:david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 8:42 PM
> To: Martin Durham
> Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?
> Next you said...
> "Stop beating a dead horse...if you want to make a 'play' for revamping
> the
> rules for CQWW then use another argument"
> There is no other argument. Not everyone can operate from the limited 3
> point islands, nor can we put, or should we put, 10 or 15 stations on
> one of
> them.
> My argument wasn't about whether or not they knew the rules or
> consequences,
> my argument is much more simple.
> One operator outperformed the other and lost. Because of which location
> you
> say "he chose" is not a good reason to lose.
> The scoring system is not fair, has never been fair and needs to be
> re-evaluated. I simply used this one case as an example. There are
> dozens
> more just like it.
> So again, I say your statement is ludicrous. The problem IS the scoring
> system sucks!
> Sincerely, 
> David Kopacz, CTO
> Rational Certified Developer, MCSE+I 
> ASPwebhosting.com, LLC
> Microsoft Certified Partner
> 4044 Fort Campbell Blvd, #308, Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
> 1.888.277.9320
> U.S. & Canada
> 1.502.410.2922 International 
> SIP: dial at freecall.aspwebhosting.com 
> The information contained in this electronic transmission is PRIVILEGED
> and
> CONFIDENTIAL information intended only to be viewed by the individual,
> entity or entities named as recipient(s). You are hereby notified that
> any
> dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication is strictly
> prohibited and a violation of your service agreement. If you have
> received
> this communication in error, please notify ASPwebhosting.com, LLC
> immediately by electronic mail or by telephone and permanently delete
> this
> message from your computer.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Durham [mailto:w1md at cfl.rr.com]
> Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 7:22 PM
> To: David Kopacz
> Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?
> Dave,
> Nowhere did I say "just because something "is""...makes it right. What I
> said was that V47NT and EF8M both understood the rules and scoring of
> the
> contest prior to going to their respective 'corners' and competing...
> Tell me how THAT is ludicrous...
> v/r
> Marty
> W1MD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Kopacz [mailto:david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com]
> Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 6:44 PM
> To: w1md at cfl.rr.com
> Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?
> You argument is ludicrous.
> Just because something IS, doesn't make it right!
> Sincerely, 
> David Kopacz, CTO
> Rational Certified Developer, MCSE+I 
> ASPwebhosting.com, LLC
> Microsoft Certified Partner
> 4044 Fort Campbell Blvd, #308, Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240
> 1.888.277.9320
> U.S. & Canada
> 1.502.410.2922 International 
> SIP: dial at freecall.aspwebhosting.com 
> The information contained in this electronic transmission is PRIVILEGED
> and
> CONFIDENTIAL information intended only to be viewed by the individual,
> entity or entities named as recipient(s). You are hereby notified that
> any
> dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication is strictly
> prohibited and a violation of your service agreement. If you have
> received
> this communication in error, please notify ASPwebhosting.com, LLC
> immediately by electronic mail or by telephone and permanently delete
> this
> message from your computer.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of w1md at cfl.rr.com
> Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 2:40 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?
> It's "fair" because BOTH parties new exactly what they were up against
> BEFORE the contest started.
> Stop beating a dead horse...if you want to make a 'play' for revamping
> the
> rules for CQWW then use another argument. When folks go to 2pt. land vs.
> 3pt. land they know before the contest starts that they are going to be
> disadvantaged. You knew it before you decided to invest in 6y1v...
> W1MD
> ---- David Kopacz <david.kopacz at aspwebhosting.com> wrote: 
> > "And if now V47NT wants to win the world he should go to a 3 pts 
> > country. "
> > 
> > Yes, this is a great idea! Let's simply move all the best operators
> and
> > stations to 3 point countries. I can see it now.
> > 
> > 25 station on P40, 32 station on PJ2 and 45 on EA8. This makes great 
> > sense.
> > 
> > I never stated that EU stations should continue to only get one point 
> > for EU QSO's while Caribbean stations continue to get 2 points each
> QSO.
> > Ask any US station if they are frustrated getting 0 points for "in 
> > country" QSO's. I merely made a simple observation that V47NT out 
> > performed EF8M and lost. How is this fair?
> > 
> > This was just ONE observation. There are many more. I simply do not 
> > think that one person should have an unfair advantage over another 
> > simply because he chooses to go to a 3 point location. Do you have any
> > idea how much work it is to set up a station on a remote island? I can
> > tell you just getting the equipment there and clearing customs was a 
> > major undertaking! Think about clearing a jungle on the side of a hill
> > and then jack hammering through volcanic rock to put up 6 towers and
> guy
> > anchors. This is no small task.
> > 
> > I could move the 6Y1V station to PJ2 P40 CT3 EA8 HC8, but how much fun
> > would that be for those people already there or for everyone else 
> > working those more rare multipliers? I am quite certain that everyone
> in
> > Europe pointing their yagis to NA enjoys working a handful of
> Caribbean
> > stations over the thousands of US stations on the band. Think how much
> > fun it would be next year if instead of logging PJ2T 6Y1V and V47NT,
> you
> > instead log PJ2T, PJ2V and PJ2NT.
> > 
> > Think about it, how many stations do you think could operate from HC8 
> > before the multiplier is diluted? I suggest if I moved 6Y1V there, 
> > neither HC8N nor my station HC8V would win a contest simply because 
> > people wouldn't make an effort to work both of us. Once they worked on
> > station for the multiplier the other station would be ignored.
> > 
> > Telling people to choose a 3 point location is NOT the answer. Making 
> > small adjustments to the scoring in order to level the playing field
> so
> > the same stations aren't always winning year after year when they are 
> > clearly not making the most QSO's and multipliers is more appropriate.
> > 
> > David ~ KY1V
> > 	
> > 
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