[CQ-Contest] 160 meter contest conditions

John Geiger aa5jg at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 8 11:41:32 PST 2009

Let me start off by saying my antenna on 160 is pretty bad.  No, lets make that really bad!  It is a 105 foot dipole feed with a few feet of twinlead, which finally changes over to coax, and is about 35 feet high at the apex. People who model it for 160 are reduced to tears.

Now that we have that out of the way, how did others find the 160 conditions this past weekend?  For me, they were some of the best conditions I have ever heard in the 160 contest.  I heard a total of 11 countries on (much more than I have ever heard before) and worked 2 new countries on the topband-ZF and 6Y.  Also worked PJ2 and HC8 although I already have those confirmed on 160. Also worked VT for state #46 on 160.  Overall, had a blast in the contest doing what I could with what I have.  

I did so much tuning on the radio I reinjured my shoulder which I originally hurt on Thanksgiving.  Guess I will have to tune left handed for the 10 meter contest.

73s John AA5JG


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