[CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?

Stan Stockton stan at aqity.org
Wed Dec 9 09:00:02 PST 2009

> I am very interested in ideas how the scoring system could be changed 
> in
> a manner that gives everyone a fair chance to win, regardless of
> location.
> David ~ KY1V

We are talking about a World Wide DX Contest where US and DX compete to 
see who can win the world.  It is not a given that the winner is going 
to be from outside the USA.  Do you believe the scoring system should be 
changed in this contest so someone in Northwest Wisconsin should be on 
par with a similarly equipped station and operator in the Carribean? 
What would that take - making counties in Wisconsin count as multipliers 
and not allowing the Carribean stations to work Europe?

It was a long shot that K3LR would win in the M/M category for the 
world, but he did and I bet it was a very special victory.

Personally, I like the CQ WW Contest just the way it is and don't think 
the rules should be changed at all.  I certainly would not want the 
rules to change so the log would be filled with W/VE contacts.  Even 
though it would be to my relative advantage, the W/VE contest is 

Not saying this is what happened but for  example, if the GI0KOW log is 
filled with about a thousand contacts that are all a chip shot away 
(less than a thousand miles), do you really think he should have won 
based on his (really good) QSO total?  How far is GI0KOW from Germany 
(600 miles or so?) where about 20% of all the European contacts come 
from.  Is he within a thousand miles of 75 % of all European contacts?

I do wish a NEW all band DX contest existed with the same rules as the 
Stew Perry Contest with all contacts based on distance, no contacts 
allowed within your own country, perhaps a little bonus for lower band 
contacts like WPX and countrry multipliers to make it even more 
interesting.  I think it would quickly become very popular and would 
certainly be fair in the scoring department.  EVERYONE would feel like 
there was truly worldwide competition.  The CQ Contest, however, should 
not be changed, but instead enjoyed for what it is.

An interesting exercise (N6TR) would be take a few logs from the CQ WW 
Contest, come up with a database of grid squares based on the callsign 
database and score those logs using the Stew Perry Contest rules.  I am 
sure it would make me feel better about our relative score from Arkansas 

Stan, K5GO

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