[CQ-Contest] Is it time to reevaluate CQWW Scoring Rules?

Stan Stockton k5go at cox.net
Wed Dec 9 18:06:41 PST 2009


I'm sure rules could be tweaked if a new contest were started.  I just  
was suggesting a DX contest and not turn it into another SS.  While  
true that there are a lot of Europeans in close proximity to each  
other. They would not get many points for those nearby contacts.

 From the Midwest we would get  several times as many points for a  
European contact than they would get working each other.  I would  
think that about three times as many points for a W5-EU contact would  
be good as compared to a EU-EU contact.


Sent from Stan's IPhone

On Dec 9, 2009, at 7:19 PM, "Robert Chudek - K0RC" <k0rc at citlink.net>  

> Stan K5GO said:
> "...Stew Perry Contest with all contacts based on distance, no  
> contacts
> allowed within your own country..."
> Well this automatically tips the scale in favor of EU with all the  
> tightly packed countries on the continent. Germany and France or no  
> further apart than Mississippi and Alabama. If you want to disallow  
> contacts, disallow them from within the same grid square or a  
> perimeter of grid squares of the operator.
> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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