[CQ-Contest] CQWW contest analysis database

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Dec 12 07:31:19 PST 2009

Excellent work!  
Pure distance scoring is a great start.  I'd like to next see a  distance 
based computation for QSO points, while retaining multipliers.  It  is a lot 
more challenging from here in eastern zone 4 to find and work a BY than  it 
is to find another JA. This next step would recognize that.
I'd suggests something like:   QSO Points =  1 + (Km /  4000)          (not 
an integer  value)
The 4000 is somewhat arbitrary, but would give numbers close to 1 point for 
 EU to EU qsos, around 3 for typical intercontinental qsos, and something  
approaching 6 for really long qsos to the antipodes. (Same country qsos  
remaining at zero points).
Note that Fabian's distance scoring was done without waiting for the CQWW  
committee to wake up to the interest in such a scoring calculation.  May a  
thousand flowers bloom!
Meanwhile, I'd like to see the 2008 M/2 distance results.  (I was  at PJ2T, 
M/2, in 2008 CQWW CW).
73   -   Jim    K8MR        
In a message dated 12/11/2009 9:44:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
mail at fkurz.net writes:

On Fri,  Dec 11, 2009 at 08:02:19PM +0300, wally wrote:
> Now a volunteer with  sufficient knowledge in this field can use this 
data and
> make  "Distance Based Top Scores" listings for CQWW Contests between 2006 
>  2008.

Only for CQWW CW 2008, which could easily be downloaded from  CQWW.com.
The database file advertised earlier here on this reflector was  in
some cancerous proprietery format that I could not open.

I just  downloaded all CQWW CW 2008 files and analyzed them by the
following simple  methodology:

a) For each unique call in all logs, a DXCC was determined  by a simple
algorithm based on the CTY.DAT file and saved in a  database
b) A matrix with all distances between all known DXCCs was  created.
With a total of DXCC^2 entries.
c) Each CQWW CW  2008 log was recalculated by accumulated kilometers
instead if  the known CQWW scoring rules.

Here we go, for two interesting  categories. The columns denote: 
1. Place, calculated by kilometers
2.  Distance of all QSOs in km
3. Callsign
4. Actual position in CQWW 2008  results (if easily found in printed scores)


1.  45028774 V47NT   3
2.   40775552 ZS4TX   (5.8m pts - not in top ten)
3.  39419835  PZ5TT   4
4.  38693640 8P5A    5
5.   36996791 V31WA   6  
6.  35883301 EF8M     (1?, DQ)
7.  32314061 ZF2AM   (10)
8.  32120589  ZY7C    --
9.  32108502 VK2IA   ("only" 2.8m  points)
10. 31531618 PW2D    --

Top ten scorer 3V8BB  (YT1AD, 1st) is at 27238661km, just below K1LZ.
CT3NT (CT1BOH) at  29775030km, below JH4UYB and 5H3EE!


1.  108586599 HC8N        1  (32m)
2    91206345 3X5A        2  (29m)
3.   55337998 JA5FDJ        
4.   53295746 KH7X
5.   53263736 CT9L     3 (23m)
6.   46385052 KC1XX     4 (15m)
7.   46236480 JA3YBK
8.    45277088 K3LR        5 (14m)
9.   43290689  W3LPL
10.  41501754 HD2M        
11.   37537522 EE2W          (11m)
12.  36885769  LZ9W          (12m)
13.  35973796 DF0HQ   6 (13m)

(LZ9W and EE2W are 2nd and 3rd in EU  respectively; just opposite to
their positions calculated by the  distances!)

Some scores may be missing from the results posted here.  The format of
the Cabrillo headers for the categories were often not  according to
the standard. Unedited results at  http://fkurz.net/ham/scores9.txt

Conclusions? None.

CQWW is the  name of the game and everyone knows the rules. They're
fine as they are. I  like them. They encourage activities from remote
locations and don't let  couch potatoes win.

"Fair" rules in a HF contest for everyone are an  illusion. In terms of
pure CW skills, you may get as far as you can get to  a fair judgement
if you go to an IARU HST competition. But be prepared to  be beaten by
some 14 year old girls from ex-USSR countries. Now is that  fair? :-)

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK * Munich, Germany *  http://fkurz.net/      .---.
Learn CW Online: http://lcwo.net/           |  |   |

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