[CQ-Contest] Clarity in contest categories.

Scott Currier scott_currier at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 15 22:47:58 PST 2009

I was looking over the rules recently for the ARRL 10 and 160 meter contests as well as some upcoming contests as well. 

When I submitted my log for the ARRL 160 meter 'test and had to choose the category it seemed a bit odd to choose multi-single. In reality I was single operator assisted. 

It has become universally understood that assisted refers to the use of spotting networks. 

Therefore, if I choose single operator, all band, high power, assisted in a contest, it's pretty clear what's going on. 

If the assisted category is considered multi-operator then some clarity is lost and if you think about it, the spotting network helps, but another operator it definitely is not. When you can have the spotting network continue to operate while you take a snooze, then we can talk about it being equivalent to a second operator. Likewise a second operator is not a spotting system. 

I can't see any justification for setting up the categories that way. Adding an assisted category tells the story, lumping it in as a multip-op does not. 

I have not been able to have a conversation with the spotting system about strategy, nor will it fetch a Pepsi from the refrigerator for me. 

I vote for clarity. Assisted is assisted, multi-op is multi-op. The two are not interchangable and aren't equivalent. 

73 all and good contesting.

Scott Currier KT1B
Haverhill, MA

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