[CQ-Contest] Replacement for Novice Roundup?

K5NZ at aol.com K5NZ at aol.com
Wed Dec 16 05:48:59 PST 2009

Eight years ago when I was trying to get K5GA to operate a RTTY contest  
with me, I told him RTTY would be the "new" CW in a few years.  Meaning it  
would produce the numbers CW does.  He scoffed at me at the time, but has  now 
seen it come true and begs me to do every RTTY test with him!.  
I think the ARRL RTTY Roundup is the venue to replace the Novice  Roundup.  
Maybe drop the Novice Roundup and add a few categories that  reward new 
entries in the RR.  I worked more new calls in the RR in the  last few years 
than any other contest.  RTTY is less intimidating to a new  contester than 
SSB.  It's not CW, but for me way more fun than slugging it  out on SSB.  Lay 
the Novice Roundup to rest, and encourage the newbies to  enjoy RTTY..

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