[CQ-Contest] A principle to go by when evaluating contest rules.

K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 10:20:23 PST 2009

Here's the short answer to your questions, Scott.

If you don't like how CQ runs THEIR contest, start one of your own which YOU 
can run any way that suits YOUR goals.

73, de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his Radio"
Sea stories here ---> http://k0hb.spaces.live.com/
Request QSL at  ---> http://www.clublog.org/logsearch/K0HB
All valid QSL requests honored with old fashioned paper QSL!
LoTW participant

From: "Scott Currier" <scott_currier at hotmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 4:16 AM
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] A principle to go by when evaluating contest rules.

> I think that it is reasonable to have an idea of what you want the contest 
> to measure before designing your contest. Start the process by laying out 
> your goals.
> As far as the CQ-WW DX contest goes, the contest sponsors state that the 
> objective is for Amateurs around the world to contact as many other hams 
> in as many zones and countries as possible.
> Ok, that being said, why are continents figured in the scoring? Does 
> figuring in continents help or hinder the stated objective?
> I think it hinders it because in effect it changes the objective. You now 
> need to contact as many hams as possible on OTHER continents. That's not 
> what the original objective says. Therefore the scoring system isn't 
> matched properly to the objective.
> The real CQ WW Dx objective is to work as many hams around the world in as 
> many zones and countries as possible, provided they're on different 
> continents.
> So, what do you have to do now? Easy, get as close to the population 
> centers as possible without being on the same continent.
> That monkey wrench of the continent issue really throws things off and 
> creates a situation where the winner and person behind him are separated 
> not by who worked the most countries or zones but by something not even in 
> the objective of the contest. They happened to make a lot more 3point q's 
> because of the continent issue.
> If it's not in the objective, why does it have such prominence in the 
> scoring?
> WPX is even worse.
> WPX sponsor states that the objective is as follows...
> I. Objective: For amateurs world wide to contact as many amateurs
> and prefixes as possible during the contest period.
> If that is the case, then why more points if the other station is on a 
> different continent? If the objective is to believed, why more points for 
> use of the lower HF bands?
> The objective is not to work as many hams and prefixes as possible, it's 
> to contact as many hams and prefixes on different continents and on the 
> lower bands as possible if you want to get the highest score for the 
> number of contacts that you make.
> The scoring is out of line with the contest objective.
> Extra points because of distance, continent, zone, band, or anything else 
> aren't part of the objective and therefore don't belong if the objective 
> is to be believed, which it clearly is not.
> According to the contest sponsors, the name of the game is prefixes. 
> According to the scoring it's prefixes with a rather large disclaimer and 
> strings attached. In other words, these prefixes over here are better than 
> those prefixes over there. At least for some people.
> If the contest is part dx contest and part prefix contest, put that in the 
> objective.
> With that being said, it seems to me that contest rules need to be looked 
> at to see if they support the contest objectives or move the contest in a 
> different direction.
> After all, without knowing what the sponsors are looking to accomplish, 
> how can you tell whether or not a rule makes sense? The objectives are 
> your reference point.
> 73 all and good contesting.
> Scott Currier KT1B
> Haverhill, MA
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