[CQ-Contest] Using spectrum scopes in contests
Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
felipeceglia2 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 13:46:25 PST 2009
Hi Tobi,
I havent used this much, as I havent found an easy way to hook an sdr to my
FT1000 and MkV IF.
I have used it a little bit to check 10m openings, and plan to use it as well on
2m contests. As 2m contests here in PY are not very popular, will be nice to
have a multi dimensional view of the band, so we wont miss much of sporadic
stations. The advantage of having a waterfall display in this case is that you
can see some seconds before "now".
Some other usage would be to find a clear spot on a band, or keep an eye in
another station.
If we had the spotted callsigns tagged on the waterfall display, we would have
such thing as a live bandmap. That could be nice.
With all these bells and whistles, we will have the single-op-distracted
category. hihi
73 & HNY,
Tobias Wellnitz wrote:
> dear Contesting community,
> I'm curently preparing a new article (series) for my website.
> A couple of years ago, ICOM started implementing big screens with a spectrum
> scope in their radios. Today amost all SDR programs include big spectrum
> scopes as well.
> Anybody seriously making use of spectrum scopes in contests? If yes, how do
> you use them?
> Your feedback is highly appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Tobias
> http://www.dh1tw.de
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Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member
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