[CQ-Contest] Nicaragua - contest rental availability

Eric Hall, K9GY k9gy at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 3 22:19:51 EST 2009

The following contests are available for rental at YN2N 
(other dates may also be available) 

Feb 27-March 1 CQ 160m SSB
March 7-8 ARRL DX SSB
March 28-29 WPX SSB
July 11-12 IARU
Aug 8-9 WAE DX CW
Sep 12-13 WAE DX SSB
Sep 26-27 CQ WW RTTY
Oct 24/25 WW SSB
Nov 14-15 WAE DX RTTY
Dec 4-6 ARRL 160m
Dec 12-13 ARRL 10m
Dec 26-27 Stew Perry

More info at: 

Contact Octavio at omirandalac at yahoo.com if you are interested. 

73, Eric 
(I have no financial interest - just thought someone out there 
would want to have some fun)

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