[CQ-Contest] and now for something completely different

Art Searle W2NRA w2nra at optonline.net
Wed Feb 4 09:53:04 EST 2009

> From: Tony Osman <tony.osman at xplornet.com>
> With acknowledgment to John Clees - my single biggest improvement I can
> make to my contest scores this year is simply BITC.  That is Butt in The
> Chair - too many times I have achieved the goals I have set and then
> just finished at that point.  I could probably make the goals bigger -
> but the truth of the matter is that the time in the chair is what counts
> and for an older codger like me, that is quite a goal to achieve.
> Tony
> Ve3rz

Since I haven't achieved success, I guess I'm expressing my #1 excuse for 
not achieving success.  I have to agree with Tony.  Not enough BitC time.

73, from a Sixburgh fan (since '70s) in New York

73 Art W2NRA
"Keep to the Code!"

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