[CQ-Contest] WARC band contest

somata90924 at mypacks.net somata90924 at mypacks.net
Sat Feb 7 00:11:30 EST 2009

agree, lets leave the ''WARC contest free''!



-----Original Message-----
>From: Tree <tree at kkn.net>
>Sent: Feb 6, 2009 9:07 AM
>To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WARC band contest
>Tack writes:
>> Does anyone know the exact reason why WARC band contest have been  
>> prohibited or not planned.
>I think that there are a couple of reasons why there hasn't been a push for 
>including the WARC bands in contests.  
>Most station owners who have invested lots of $$$ aren't intereted in 
>having to add three more bands to their antenna arsenal.  
>Also - I think many of us like having the WARC bands contest free so that 
>we have a good answer the question: "when the band gets taken over by 
>contests, where can I go to avoid the contest?".  
>Contesting is something that many hams find annoying.  I think it is a 
>good PR move for contesting to leave some places untouched.  
>73 Tree
>PS: The CW Sprint is TOMORROW!!  Are you ready?
>CQ-Contest mailing list
>CQ-Contest at contesting.com

Joe Hypnarowski

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