[CQ-Contest] Summary Re: WARC band contest

Tack Kumagai je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp
Mon Feb 9 02:36:37 EST 2009

Thanks to all who respoded

I just wanted to have the source why the WARC band contest are not 
presented. Is it prohibited or just for the usage?..

10MHz was introduced about 30years ago to HamRadio and 18/24MHz later.
At that time, all the WARC bands were 2nd use for Ham Radio operation.
So IARU guided to member societies not to use them for the contest 
because of the interfarence to the first use by professional communications.
Then 18/24MHz were opened for Ham Radio as the 1st use but the band are 
rather nallow for the contests.

Here is the information I've been looking for...
"IARU official Resolution on 10MHz" 
Thanks to Brett, VR2BG for this info

(Page 9 of 48)

RESOLUTION 88-2(Revised 1990 and 1999)
The IARU Administrative Council, Seoul, October 1988,
recognizing that the allocation to the Amateur Service of 10.1-10.15 MHz 
is unique, in that it is the only high-frequency allocation to our service 
that is on a secondary basis, noting that the band is narrow, and in many 
parts of the world is occupied by stations of the Fixed Service, which have 
priority, and further noting that harmful interference to stations in the 
Fixed Service by stations in the Amateur Service could result in the 
imposition of additional restrictions on amateur operation, and even in 
loss of the band,
resolves 1. that member-societies should seek to have their administrations 
relocate fixed stations outside the 10.1-10.15 MHz band, on a national basis;
2. that amateurs using the band shall limit themselves to narrow-band, non-voice
emissions except as necessary for temporary emergency and disaster relief
3. that contest activity shall be prohibited in the band; and
4. that member-societies shall avoid creating incentives, such as special 
awards, for operating in the 10 MHz band that could result in interference 
to stations operating in the Fixed Service.

And I found the comments on eHam.net 
"Contesting on the WARC bands?"
Jack Brabham (KZ5A) on December 21, 2002

I read those many comments and knew many contesters and non-contesters 
have not been interested in the contest on WARC bands.
Most of them said, "Keep WARC bands for the Contest FREE".

There are some comments that ARRL accepts WARC bands QSO for their DXCC 
credits this seems to be against on #4, so why not contest...? I don't know.

If the bands will be widen, then the WARC band contest will be re-consider 
at that time.
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	JE1CKA <je1cka at gmai.com>

In message "WARC band contest"
    on 09/02/05, Tack Kumagai <je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp> writes:
: Does anyone know the exact reason why WARC band contest have been 
: prohibited or not planned.
: I once read (not sure) the report that IARU adviced not to sponsor 
: the contests on any WARC bands to the member societies at the very 
: fast WARC introduction.
: But I could not find the evidence why WARC band contest were 
: prohibited.
: Please point me out the source, thanks.
: 	---------
: 	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
: 	JE1CKA <je1cka at gmai.com>

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