[CQ-Contest] RIP - K3TUP - SK

Jim Breakall jimb at psu.edu
Thu Feb 19 18:12:45 EST 2009

I was very saddened to hear about the passing of John, K3TUP.  I just 
got back from Puerto Rico
and heard this news and what a shock.

Some of you may know that John made contact with Prof. Rustum Roy, a 
famous material scientist, and myself at Penn
State on his serendipitous discovery of burning saltwater.  I had 
just talked to John 2 weeks ago and he told me about
another treatment of chemo that he was to undergo and how he might be 
in bad shape for several weeks after that.  I have
been working with him on the RF machine and other activities.  I was 
just about ready to take a trip to Florida to discuss things
with him and see how we could advance this further.  It is hard to 
believe that I just talked with him so recently and hearing
his strong enthusiasm and energy still for this project and now to 
know that he is gone.

I hope that we here at Penn State can still carry out his work and 
keep the torch (and water!!) burning for his wonderful concepts
and ideas to help others.

My sincere condolences to his family and to all that knew John and 
the great mind and wonderful person that he was.

This is very sad news and John will be deeply missed.

73  Jim  WA3FET

James K. Breakall
Professor, Electrical Engineering

225 Electrical Engineering East
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

Tel: 814-865-2228
Fax: 814-863-8457
Cell: 814-883-6521

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