[CQ-Contest] IARU UBN report

Yuri VE3DZ ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Fri Feb 20 16:32:05 EST 2009

Actually, that's one of the reasons why I did not go anywhere for the ARRL 
DX this year.
I got my LCR for last year's ARRL DX CW (I operated as PZ5TT) few months ago 
and I was shocked. A lot of legitimate calls were considered as "busted", 
i.e. - W3UA (suggested call - W3OA), K3WWP (K3WW), VE3WZ (VE3RZ) and so 
on... even a good friend of mine, N2WW who lives in CO (suggested call - 
I wrote KX9X about it and hopefully the log checking system will be fixed 
this year.

Yuri VE3DZ

>> Hello,
>> Just received CX1AA HQ report and looking for the "Incorrect calls" and
>> "lost multipliers"
>> Many of them are obviously CORRECT calls and we must have this 
>> multipliers.
> There is also an issue with portable calls:
> YO7ARY/W1 was listed for me as "incorrect call". That station is listed as 
> submitting a log under the callsign YO7ARY/W1. In the results the station 
> is listed as W1/YO7ARY.
> I know the W1/XXXXX is technically the correct way to identify. But if the 
> station is actually sending XXXXX/W1 (and submitting a log as XXXXX/W1) 
> should that be counted as incorrect?
> Tor

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