[CQ-Contest] No US DX Only - ARRL DX

W8FJ at aol.com W8FJ at aol.com
Mon Feb 23 13:45:49 EST 2009

As an operator from the Mult-Op station, N3RS, I can tell you that we are  
plagued with zero-point QSOs as well as Dupe QSOs.  We hate them, but we  have 
found that the easiest and quickest way to deal with them is to just work  them 
quickly and get them out of the way.  I was the 40M op and there  were about 
20 zero pointers and 50 dupes in my 1650 QSOs.  There was even  one duped zero 
pointer (go figure?).
John, W8FJ...
In a message dated 2/23/2009 1:02:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
mwdink at eskimo.com writes:

>Now, consider the amateur in a more difficult  to work state or province,
>who has spent considerable time and effort,  not to mention money, and is
>trying to win the contest but must work  hundreds of 0 point stations
>whom may be covering up weaker DX stations  calling, one that count for
>valuable points and  multipliers.

Actually, this happened twice to me this  weekend alone and we
aren't rare. Twice I had stateside 0 pointers call in  at the
same time as DX called in. Once, the guy was very insistant
that  he get worked first (maybe he didn't hear the DX - I'll
give him the  benefit of the doubt). I worked and logged them
all but this could be an  issue for Big Guns.

dink,  n7wa

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