[CQ-Contest] LOTW Percentage

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Wed Feb 25 16:53:18 PST 2009

Before I throw out my stats, a bit of explanation might help. I'm a newer
ham who has been on HF less then 1 year. Over this past summer I started
contesting and specifically RTTY contesting. So I have a good amount of QSOs
related to contests and RTTY contesters are excellent at using LoTW.

Here are my LoTW stats:

Total QSOs: 4,896
Total confirmed on LoTW: 2,336
% confimed: 48 %

Hopefully the rudimentary tables below come through in the email ok and the
mailing list doesn't botch up the presentation. 

Mode   QSOs  QSLs  Percent 
RTTY	 3281  1881   57%
USB	  669   193   28%
LSB	  610   181   29%
CW	  219    24   11%
PSK31	   69    30   43%
PSK125   48    27   56%

By location:
Location QSOs  QSLs  Percent
US       2805  1717    61%
DX       2091   619    30%

So my stats seem to indicate that digital mode contacts are more likely to
use LoTW and that US stations are far more likely to use LoTW.

David - K2DSL

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Lee Buller
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 2:53 PM
To: CQcontest Reflector
Subject: [CQ-Contest] LOTW Percentage

I am curious as to the percentage of stations worked and station confirmed
on LOTW.  Mine is running about 36%  Is that typical or am I low or high?

I hope this is not off-topic, but quite a few contesters use LOTW.

Lee - K0WA

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