[CQ-Contest] LOTW Percentage

Fabian Kurz Fabian.Kurz at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Thu Feb 26 00:05:40 PST 2009

Lee Buller wrote:
> I am curious as to the percentage of stations worked and station   
> confirmed on LOTW.  Mine is running about 36%  Is that typical or am  
>  I low or high?

I'd guess it's a good indicator for a lot of QSOs with US stations in  
your log.

My _overall_ LOTW rate is quite low, about 18% (ca. 95k QSOs). For US  
it's better, almost 37%. For a DXCC like BS7H it's even better, 100% (1 of 1
QSO :-)! But there are thousands of QSOs with UA and DL in my log, which
both range at 8-9% only...

A while ago I made some detailled statistics of my LOTW return rates by DXCC,
the result can be found here: http://fkurz.net/ham/dj1yfk-lotw-rate.txt

73, Fabian DJ1YFK

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