[CQ-Contest] AFS

Gwyn Williams g4fkh at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 4 04:56:12 EST 2009


Hi all, and thanks Andy for forwarding the message, otherwise I would not know abou the CW AFS this Monday. I will be participating on that day. I do not at the moment know anything about AFS and whether it is exclusively CW, but if it is I will be on for the 11th Jan. as well. One thing, I have a new aerial, a folded dipole which cover 5MHz-30MHz, with an SWR below 2.5:1 throughout the whole range. The only drawback is that whilst I can tune on 80M, efficiency is very low on that band.

I will look up the info on the web this AM.

Steve, presumably AFS is part of the EI5DI program and if so I will be forwarding my log in Cabrillo, okay?

Cheers and CU
Gwyn - G4FKH

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