[CQ-Contest] Improving the Fabulous CQ 160 Contest

Victor A. Kean, Jr. vkean at k1lt.com
Tue Jan 6 21:51:47 EST 2009

For the 2010 edition of CQ 160 contest, I propose the following
changes as followons to the 2009 changes:

1.  Make the exchange 59(9) grid where "grid" is 4 character
Maidenhead grid square, a-la the Stew Perry test.

2.  Make the QSO point scoring proportional to distance.  You could
take the Stew Perry scheme and scale it so that the longest possible
QSO is 10 (or maybe 12) points.

3.  Keep multipliers to encourage DXpeditions and pile-ups.

Let the flaming begin.

Victor, K1LT

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