[CQ-Contest] Topband: Improving the CQ 160 test and ARRL comment

James Cain jamesdavidcain at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 08:36:30 EST 2009

"The ARRL DX Contest format is designed to have US and Canadian Section multiplier emphasis."Wrong. The ARRL DX Contest uses States, not ARRL sections, for multipliers.How many ARRL elected officials have you worked in a contest lately? "You no play the game, you no make the rules."K1TN/2> 
> Anyone remember the bru-ha-ha when ARRL changed the DX test 
> to match the CQ format and the ire that generated....and that 
> was before internet reflectors! Subtle tweaks are OK. Major 
> changes, well, not so good.

I remember that event quite well -- I was the ARRL Board Liaison to the
Contest Advisory Committee and reported to the Board the 'feelings' of the
Committee and significant number of US amateurs. There was a 'spirited'
discussion at the Board level which resulted in a return to the format that
is in use today. 

A brief summary of that discussion would be that "the CQWW DX Contest format
belongs to them and is designed to be a contest with all part of the World
having equal multiplier emphasis. The ARRL DX Contest format is designed to
have US and Canadian Section multiplier emphasis."

73, Tod, K0TO

> --
> Craig Clark, K1QX
> Radioware
> PO Box 209
> Rindge NH 03461
> (603) 899 6957
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