[CQ-Contest] ARRL Club Categories

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Thu Jul 2 03:43:37 PDT 2009

I received a lot of responses, mostly what seem to be direct and not
to the list. In the 3 contest results listed in the recent ARRL QST,
all 3 contest scores show 4 logs submitted and 2 contests list us in
the Local category and 1 in the Medium category.

I read the part about the individual submitting the category but I
don't know why he'd submit anything but local. I've sent an email off
to him as well.

I've noticed this multiple times before but never bothered to ask.
This time it just seemed odd with 3 contest results in 1 magazine and
the different categories for the same club. None of this matters as we
aren't competitive other then the VHF contests for our ARRL division,
but I felt like asking.

Thanks for the responses.

David - K2DSL

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:16 PM, David Levine<david at levinecentral.com> wrote:
> For an ARRL contest, what determines the club category a specific club
> is in? If I look in the current July QST, my small local club called
> Bergen ARA is listed in the Local category for the ARRL 10 meter
> contest and in the Medium category in the January VHF Sweepstakes.
> Same club both times.
> Based on the description for clubs defined in the general rules at
> http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/rules-all.html , I think
> we'd be a local club in every competition:
> 8.4.3. Local
>   1. Club submits 10 or fewer entries.
>   2. One station can submit two entries - one on CW and one
> on Phone in the November Sweepstakes and the DX Contest.
>   3. All members must reside and operate within 35 miles of
> the club's designated center.
>   4. All members must be "members in good standing"
> according to the rules and requirements of the club.
> Any ideas?
> David - K2DSL

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