[CQ-Contest] 7040 as lower limit

DL8MBS prickler.schneider at t-online.de
Sat Jun 6 09:22:50 PDT 2009

Richard F DiDonna NN3W wrote:

>when I see the words "plan", "preferred", "center of activity," and 
>"priority," I seriously have to question how this is a bright line rule. 
>The  Ministry of Communications, FCC, or other similar entity is the issuer of 
>the rules.  Show me those rules...
K0HB wrote:

>...all contest sponsors should agree with the following Universal Rule to be implicitly appended to their rule announcements.
>"Rule XXII:  Everything not specifically prohibited is mandatory."
Rule XXII a)
Every spirit of a gentlemen's agreement is a bad ghost which has to be 
chased by at least five lawyers forcing him to emigrate from the community.
(Of course tongue in cheek hoping to escape any legal suits)
73, Chris

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