[CQ-Contest] License

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at remijn.net
Sun Jun 7 12:36:55 PDT 2009

in Netherlands we have following rule:
Anybody is allowed to operate my station as long I am in control.Anybody
is in this case really anybody, licensed an unlicensed people.

73 Henk PA5KT

kr2q at optimum.net schreef:
> RX9TX said,
> Well,  If  I  come  to  the USA and operate someone's station with the
> licence  owner  sitting  in  the  chair  next to me and supervising my
> operation  I  still  do  not  need  "something in writing" to prove my
> operation  was  legitimate.  It's the licence holder responsibilities,
> not mine.
> Well, my information may be stale, but it was my impression that if your [DX] country does not
> have a reciprocal licensing agreement here (and maybe that you have received permission to
> operate "here"), that the "guest op" (whether a ham or not) may only work other stations
> with whom the USA has a 3rd party agreement (if the control op is present)...which is not
> all that many countries....certainly not enough to blindly operate a "DX contest."
> Does anyone know if this has changed?
> Anyhow your point about "who is responsible" it is may be correct.  But either way, the
> contest operation would not be legitimate if you worked any DX stations that do not have
> a 3rd party agreement with the USA (unless, of course, my information is indeed stale, and
> therefore no longer valid).
> de Doug KR2Q
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Henk Remijn PA5KT
email: pa5kt at remijn.net
www: www.remijn.net

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