[CQ-Contest] Categories, Participation and Competition

Chris (DL8MBS) prickler.schneider at t-online.de
Fri Jun 19 09:29:48 PDT 2009

Edward wrote:

>I for one, could be persuaded to support these 12 or 24 hour categories
>if the walk backed up the talk in the current contests that offer it.
>But I just don't see it.  Show us all, that there is interest...or drop
>it for once and for all please.
How much is enough interest? In IOTA 2008 the 12h-categories had 783 
single-op-logs sent (World-Stations) and the 24h-categories had 496. The 
24-h-DL-DX-RTTY-Contests 2003-2008 had 37 to 48 percent of all logs in 
even shorter (and so in your view even more unattractive) 
six-hour-categories. Every sponsor can decide what may be enough 
interest to justify a seperate category - as every car-manufacturer can 
decide how big the demand for cheaper cars must be before he leaves his 
high standards and sells something other than only the top-model. As 
there is different purchasing power in money there is different 
"purchasing power" in op-hours. But that says - IMHO - nothing about 
competetiveness or skill (i.e. 1026 QSOs of a IOTA-12h-participant 
doesn´t sound like bad operating). Never have I heard that only drivers 
of expensive cars are better drivers than those of medium-sized cars. 
73, Chris


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