[CQ-Contest] Categories, Participation(what does it take?)

Felipe J Hernandez fhdez at islandnetjm.com
Fri Jun 19 21:45:07 PDT 2009

Its funny how we talk about he same things over and over again
and yet no organizer says a word... Except for Randy that has been showing 
great enthusiasm.

If these guys are you cautious to damage what has taken them a century to build, how
about we get together and create a structure that we can manage and throw in all the goodies discussed in here, for a creative and committed search for whatever the interests 
of the ham community really is.

With all the contest and Dx groups represented in this list, it should be fairly easy to get 
a commitment from all over the world.

This way we can protect the traditional scores and records that have been so hard earned.

What does it take?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Chudek - K0RC 
  To: cq-contest at contesting.com 
  Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Categories, Participation and Competition

  "By the way, the number of entries is not a meaningful number.  If it
  were, the argument is to NOT change a contest like CQ WW."

  This comment and the link offered by Hans, is missing the point. Or maybe 
  there's two different concepts in this thread. My recommendation is to NOT 
  change any contest. So for the discussion, let's assume they are all working 
  fine the way they are.

  My understanding was this was a discussion to find ways to increase 
  participation (and recognition) in contests and contesting overall.

  Let's start with this: "Hey, I've got 8 hours available on CQWW weekend. 
  What can I accomplish?"

  Well, I could volunteer at a Multi-Op station but I live in Index, WA and I 
  can't justify a trip to K1TTT's place. I could turn on the radio and "play" 
  in the contest to see what new band/modes I can fill in (imagine the number 
  of contacts that will be made with this strategy). Geez, if there were only 
  a 6-hour category I could give a serious effort in the limited time I have 
  that weekend. Oh s**t, I see it's still the full 48 hours or nothing. I 
  think I'll call Bob and see if he wants to play a round of golf instead.

  Adding time-based categories takes absolutely nothing away from the 
  traditional categories. It also has the potential to motivate the hunt & 
  pecking band/mode fillers or golfers to join in and have fun.

  73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Edward" <sawyered at earthlink.net>
  To: "'Chris (DL8MBS)'" <prickler.schneider at t-online.de>
  Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
  Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 12:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Categories, Participation and Competition

  Chris, Its plenty of interest.  That wasn't my point.

  The point is for all of the people on this reflector who are interested
  in these categories to join in and COMPETITIVELY contest in the 12 and
  24 hour contest slots that ARE available and to let the rest of us know
  they are.  This is the best way to actually show the world what we are
  talking about.

  By the way, the number of entries is not a meaningful number.  If it
  were, the argument is to NOT change a contest like CQ WW.  The
  meaningful number is how many of the entrants went the full amount of
  hours.  Or in a 48 hour case maybe 40+ hours.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Chris (DL8MBS) [mailto:prickler.schneider at t-online.de]
  Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 12:30 PM
  To: sawyered at earthlink.net
  Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
  Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Categories, Participation and Competition

  Edward wrote:

  >I for one, could be persuaded to support these 12 or 24 hour categories

  >if the walk backed up the talk in the current contests that offer it.
  >But I just don't see it.  Show us all, that there is interest...or drop

  >it for once and for all please.
  How much is enough interest? In IOTA 2008 the 12h-categories had 783
  single-op-logs sent (World-Stations) and the 24h-categories had 496. The

  24-h-DL-DX-RTTY-Contests 2003-2008 had 37 to 48 percent of all logs in
  even shorter (and so in your view even more unattractive)
  six-hour-categories. Every sponsor can decide what may be enough
  interest to justify a seperate category - as every car-manufacturer can
  decide how big the demand for cheaper cars must be before he leaves his
  high standards and sells something other than only the top-model. As
  there is different purchasing power in money there is different
  "purchasing power" in op-hours. But that says - IMHO - nothing about
  competetiveness or skill (i.e. 1026 QSOs of a IOTA-12h-participant
  doesn´t sound like bad operating). Never have I heard that only drivers
  of expensive cars are better drivers than those of medium-sized cars.
  But YMMV.
  73, Chris


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