[CQ-Contest] Summary of how to improve contesting

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Sat Jun 20 09:51:44 PDT 2009

Personally, I don't mind at all having to go to the web for the full 
results and they are generally easy to find.  In fact, it's easier to 
use "Find" to hunt up various callsigns (friends, historical opponents, 
etc) on a web page than it is to visually scan a printed page.  If I 
want a hard copy, printing is an easy option and I can do it in any size 
font I desire.

What I DON"T like is having to wait long after the magazine summaries 
are out for the rest of the scores to show up online.  I can't think of 
a justifiable reason for that, and it is a great annoyance if you don't 
make the Top Ten in a particular category.

And while I understand the benefits of online scores being published in 
pdf format, it would also be nice if they were available in a text or 
spreadsheet format for those of us that like to sort the results in 
different ways, or import the results into a spreadsheet for tracking 
club scores.

Dave   AB7E

Aldewey at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/20/2009 8:28:04 AM Central Daylight Time,  
> k5zd at charter.net writes:
>>  Have decent write ups... Move the detailed results entirely to the web  
> and
> have something limited for written media.  
> This is one I struggle with.  I certainly agree with the importance of  
> quality writeups but I am not sure I fully endorse moving all line scores  
> (except for top ten) to the Web.  I , for one, really like to study the  line 
> scores beyond the top ten boxes.  I feel it helps me to become familar  with 
> all those second and third tier stations and even some of the new calls,  
> where they are located, etc.
> I know there was quite an uproar when the line scores were moved out of QST 
>  a while back. I also realize that the leagues business model really made  
> this necessary for QST because it is targerted to all amateurs - not just  
> contesters.
> I know it is certainly more efficient on the web, and you can to all the  
> cool searches, etc. but it is still not the same to me as seeing the results  
> printed.   I also realize that you can print them out from the Web if  hard 
> copy is what you want,  Still, I seldom go searching for  contest results 
> on the Web.
> Also, when I first got started in contesting, it was alway a little bit of  
> a thrill for me to see my call in print it a national publication no matter 
>  where I was on the list.  I wonder if seeing your call in print is a 
> subtle  motivator to new contesters.
> How do others feel about printed contest results?
> 73,
> AL, K0AD

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