[CQ-Contest] False signals

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 20:28:53 PDT 2009

Well, I would have to look at how "false and deceptive" something is.

Everyone wants a high score in a contest. So what affects the score and what
doesn't? In SS, if you use a different check than the year you were first
licensed, does it affect your score at all?  No.  Does it affect anyone
else's score at all?  No.

Now, if you deliberately used the wrong section, does it affect your score?
No, but you would be competing against people in a different section than
you should. Does it affect others' scores?  Most definitely.

Does using a different or unusual name in a Sprint or NAQP affect your score
or anyone else's?  No. And I've found some of the names people use
are entertaining. Does using the wrong state in NAQP affect anyone's score?

Does sending 59(9) in a contest affect anyone else's score?  Not that I know
of. And most contesters don't care about the signal report, either, from
what I've gathered.

So as far as I'm concerned, it should say "malicious
false or deceptive signals."  If it's something done in fun that doesn't
affect a score or category it isn't malicious.

BTW I remember that Sprint mentioned in that link. I wondered if anyone used

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Tree <tree at kkn.net> wrote:

> K0HB writes:
> >        § 12.158.  False signals.  No licensed radio operator
> >        shall transmit false or deceptive signals or communications
> >        by radio.
> Or - not using your own god given nickname in the CW Sprints.
> Has it really been 14 years since this happened?
> http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-09/msg00032.html
> 73 Darewreck
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