[CQ-Contest] Adding challenges to Field Day

James Cain jamesdavidcain at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 12:09:48 PDT 2009

>if you ask me, "contest like" 1D's ruin the fun.

I disagree.

On Field Day, like in other contests, some newbies are bashful about calling 
CQ and would rather answer CQs. 1D stations can give them that opportunity 
to jump in and get wet.

Some Field Day stations are too weak to call CQ effectively and can make 
QSOs only by answering CQs, whoever calls the CQ.

If a 1D station inadvertently calls another 1D station, well, them's the 

Take it from one whose home station is challenged by being in an apartment 
where antennas are "illegal": we live for hearing CQs from others; it's what 
keeps us in the chair.

Jim Cain, K1TN
At the K1TN Superstation 

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