[CQ-Contest] [RTTY] I just have to ask

Michael Coslo mjc5 at psu.edu
Mon Mar 9 06:20:37 PDT 2009

On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:31 PM, hank.k8dd wrote:
> I don't begrudge the beacons their frequencies - they provide a real  
> service
> to Amateur Radio.
> I do, however find that my blood pressure goes up a point or two  
> when those
> ________s on 14230 claim that they own that frequency for SSTV and  
> it is the
> only place they can operate.

Think of it this way Hank - those folks who think they *have* to stay  
on 14230 aren't moving to other frequencies and depriving you of   
places to operate other than 14230. You're winning that one!

Gentlemen - c'mon now! We need to be a  little more gracious here.  
Beacons perform a great service to us, and as Ron noted, they need to  
be found in order to be used. If they are moving all over the place,  
then their utility has gone away.

Other modes and operations also have little slices of the band that  
they use,  by convention. PSK31 comes to mind,  Maritime nets too. As  
mentioned before, repeaters.

But for us to enjoy the fruits of all these cool and fun things, we  
have to exercise some discretion. If the beacon moves because someone  
wants to operate on that frequency, then it goes away forever, because  
someone will "want" every frequency it moves to. Imagine repeaters  
without coordination. Won't happen.

Let's not shoot the pizza delivery guy because his car is in the  

Pray for sunspots

-73 de Mike N3LI -

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