[CQ-Contest] Do all contest participants need to follow the rules?

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Sun Mar 15 15:11:12 PDT 2009

Jim - You wrote:

"Last December I had the occasion to drive from Cleveland to  
Arlington, VA, on the Sunday of the ARRL 10 meter contest. To make the  
drive more interesting I put the 10 meter HamStick on the car, and to  
avoid additional confusion used a different callsign in each state.  
Nobody seemed to mind the extra qsos in their log, and several guys in  
Florida seemed really happy to work the District of Columbia on SSB in  
the last hour of the contest."
This is another example of the circumstances that prompt my question.  
Those who do follow the rules can receive some benefit from someone  
who does not. In this case additional multipliers, and extra QSOs in  
the log. Are only those who submit a log expected to follow contest  
In this case, I agree the ARRL has omitted the participation of mobile  
stations, not only in the HF contests other than Field Day, but also  
in VHF contests where if the mobile station operates in a single grid,  
he has no category to enter.

James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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