[CQ-Contest] WPX OffTimes

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Mar 18 06:38:09 PDT 2009

Try this on for size,

I was at the radio ready to go and a wind storm took the power out for 35
min, when I get power back it take's another 10 minutes to get the radio and
amp going along with the computer.

Now ::  Am I operating for those 45 minutes or do I still have a requirement
to take another 15 minutes before I can count the time off or start the
contest if I start at 0045 and loose those 45 minutes as time off ??

Is this to be consider  OFF time ??

No because you have not made any contacts yet.  The rule is no more than 36
hours of operating time not you must take 12 hours of off time.  Since you
started late you have less off time to take to reach the 36 hour operating
time maximum.  You could wait if you wanted or start as soon as the power
came back on.

By starting late you shortened the available time to you in the contest so
you really do not have to count it as off time.

Contest period is 48 hours long.  I start at 0045 because of a traffic jam.
That leaves me 47 hours and 15 mins of time left to get my 36 hours in.
Breaks once I start need to be greater than 60 minutes.  When my 36 hours of
op time is complete the contests is done.

I think people are getting confused thinking they have to end the contest
with 60 minutes of time left because that is the off time minimum.  Once you
have your 36 hours in you are done.  The contest could still be going on for
59 minutes or 1 minute, which has no bearing as the contest is over for you.

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