[CQ-Contest] Russian DX Contest Log Entry

Art RX9TX rx9tx at qrz.ru
Sun Mar 22 10:55:52 PDT 2009

 Paul J. Piercey wrote:

PJP> Anyone having trouble with their entry for the RUDX contest? I've sent mine
PJP> twice to the address listed (RusDXC at contesting.com
PJP> <mailto:RusDXC at contesting.com)> ) and it's been returned both times. Has the
PJP> address changed?

Rules  say correct address is rdxc at srr.ru , or you can upload your log
using the web form http://rdxc.org/asp/pages/wwwlog.asp


"Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent."    (Napolean Bonaparte)     

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