[CQ-Contest] Sell My Acom for a Tokyo?

Barry N1EU barry.n1eu at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 08:34:23 PDT 2009

I'm admittedly not that familiar with the Tokyo products.  If I were
contemplating replacing my 2000A with the combo HL2.5FX and HC1.5KAT
auto-tuner, my concern would be the rough frequency granularity of the
band data connection.  Perhaps the amp is broad-banded enough to
require only a single setting for an entire band, but certainly the
tuner would not be, particularly on the low bands, to present a 1.8:1
SWR to the amp to prevent faulting.  Or is there a way to control the
combination with a little more frequency finesse?

Barry N1EU

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