[CQ-Contest] Contesting Supplements

Jeff Kinzli kinzli at kinzlicoils.com
Fri May 22 07:20:26 PDT 2009


Completely agreed on all counts, and it cannot be underscored enough
how what might work great for one person, might cause any number of
problems in another.

A great deal of my contest preparation is weeks before the contest at
the gym - as others have pointed out physical conditioning is key, and
without that, most supplements will be wasted, whether they are
effective, safe, or not.

These days powerful steroidal hormones can be purchased OTC. A
bodybuilder 10 years ago would have never dreamed of such a day. On
the other hand, those same steroidal compounds can be purchased by a
16 year old who is not fully developed, has little to no weight
lifting experience, and will likely do more harm to his or her body
than good with these drugs. The fact that they are available OTC does
not equal safe. Quite the contrary. Same with other herbals, etc.

In the article that I'm putting together, it focuses largely on
nutrition as the foundation, along with common-sense food combining,
commonly used vitamins and herbs (and some commonly used vitamins and
herbs to stay away from), and behavior-based conditioning.

While you have already laid the groundwork for safety, I would agree
that is a big component as well.

And since this thread was started talking about Provigil, I would also
chime in and say that I have used it, also under an MD's supervision,
and found it less than optimal for its intended purpose.

Jeff N6GQ

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 17:43, Robert L. Shohet <kq2m at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> I am just wondering what your definition of "safe" is, with respect
> to the supplements and other things that you have taken.
> I ask this since quite a few so-called "safe" supplements, nutriceuticals,
> etc.
> have been discovered to be quite harmful long after they were considered
> "safe".
> As you probably know, the FDA does NOT test the safety of nutriceuticals,
> herbs and other supplements so there is no "official" word on many of the
> things
> that are sold over the counter for use by the public.
> In addition, quite often, herbs, supplements and neutriceuticals can affect
> the
> absorption and metabolism of prescription meds with quite unpredictable
> and potentially disasterous consequences, not even considering the added
> effects
> from a weakened body and mind as a result of sleep deprivation PLUS
> the stress of contesting!
> As a veteran of more than 150 48 hour SOABHP All band contests with less
> than 2 hours of sleep, and who has (unfortunately) experienced
> hallucinations,
> cardiac arrhythmia and other scary effects WITHOUT  using anything stronger
> than caffeine or No-Doz, the last thing that anyone should consider is
> adding
> an unknown to the equation when they are most vulnerable medically.
> Less risky alternatives would be a good multi-vitamin plus B-Vitamin
> supplement
> combined with some extra Vitamin C.  But even this is not necessarily safe
> for everyone.
> Safer, and far more effective, is a natural low-fat and low sodium diet with
> a variety
> of low-carb and protein rich foods, with plenty of Cranberry juice, fruits
> and
> green leafy vegetables.  Easy to digest, and with plenty of energy.
> What you eat and drink during a contest has a far greater effect on
> performance
> and the ability to stay alert than most people realize; and there is NO risk
> for this
> kind of natural performance enhancement.  Of course, dropping 20-30 lbs
> before contest season starts can be just as effective.  :-)
> If someone is already taking prescription meds for high blood pressure,
> cholesterol reduction, diuretics, diabetes, etc., then they should refrain
> from
> using anything without consulting a knowledgeable pharmacist and their
> doctor.
> 73
> Bob KQ2M
> B.S. Nutritional Biochemistry from Cornell Univ.
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