[CQ-Contest] Changes to the Portuguese (Portugal, Madeira and Azores) callsign structure

José Nunes CT1BOH ct1boh at gmail.com
Thu May 28 11:20:35 PDT 2009

Anacom, the Portuguese local regulatory agency for the amateur radio
service, has published new legislation.
There is a part in the legislation that will impact the callsign structure
of Portuguese (Portugal, Madeira and the Azores) callsigns.

Starting next June 1st, this will be the prefix block allocated to each
Each area will have four blocs (old calls under old legislation, new calls
under new legislation, club calls and special calls)

Block 1. CT1, CT2, CT4, CT5
Block 2. CR7, CS7, CT7
Block 3. CQ0, CS5
Block 4. CQ7, CR5, CR6, CS2

Block 1. CT3
Block 2. CR9, CS9, CT9
Block 3. CQ2, CS3
Block 4. CQ3, CQ9, CR3

Block 1. CU1, CU2, CU3, CU4, CU5, CU6, CU7, CU8, CU9, CU0
Block 2. CR8, CS8, CT8
Block 3. CQ1, CS4
Block 4. CQ8, CR1, CR2

Callsigns from block 1. (CT1, CT2, CT4, CT5. CT3, CU#) will no longer be
issued. Current hams will keep these calls if they like or submit to a new
exam to have the new  prefixes (CR, CS, CT, 7,8,or 9)
New hams will have block 2. and will be issued prefixes according to
category. Category 1 will have CT 7,8 or 9, category 2 will have CS 7,8 or 9
and category 3 will have CR# 7,8 or 9
Club stations will have call in block 3 (CQ0, CS5, CQ2, CS3, CQ1, CS4)
Special occasion and contest calls will have block 4 (CQ7, CR5, CR6. CS2,
CQ3, CQ9, CR3, CQ8, CR1, CR2)
Clue for contesters:
No new prefixes. Several lost

One new prefix CQ2

New prefexis - CR8, CS8, CT8, CQ1, CS4, CQ8, CR1, CR2


José Nunes
CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh

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