[CQ-Contest] Backwards thinking in log checking
brian coyne
g4odv at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Nov 4 23:49:48 PST 2009
--- On Thu, 5/11/09, K1TTT <K1TTT at ARRL.NET> wrote:
> First, as you should know, there is
> no way for a log submitter to mark a
> 'dupe' in a Cabrillo log... nor to mark points, nor to mark
> multipliers. So
> your question really goes to how the sponsor processes the
> log to match up
> qso's and determine NIL. As I understand it most
> sponsors use a method that
> if any qso matches between the logs then there is a match
> and no penalty for
> the dupes... there might be a very few exceptions for those
> .contests where
> exchanges have to match exactly in both logs for both
> stations to get
> credit
> So the key is for all entrants to always log dupes.
> That should be the one
> and only key point... one which some stations still refuse
> to acknowledge.
Absolutely Dave. The message that guys have to take on board is that if they do not log dupes, or refuse to work what they think will be a dupe, they could and will lose the points for what they think was the original good contact.
It all depends upon how the sponsor treats uniques, CQWW is pretty gentle on the log checking criteria, some contests out there are getting pretty tough with very strict log checking progs. More and more, especially the russian and FSU countries now typically have rules which look like the following extract from this coming weekends Ukranian contest.....
<i> Logchecking:
All logs will be checked by special software for UBN (unique, bad,
not in log) contacts. Unique calls will be removed from the LOG.
QSO is not counted for the following:
incorrectly logged call (Bad Call), incorrectly logged exchange
numbers, QSO is not confirmed in the other station's log (NIL).
Also QSO is not counted for the following:
other station incorrectly logged entrant's call, other station
incorrectly logged entrant's exchange number, QSO time in entrant's
log and other station's log difference is more than 3 minutes (except
systematic computer errors), QSO bands or modes in entrant's log
and other station's log differ (except systematic errors), dupe QSO
which is not in the other station's log.</i>.....
As you will note - if the other guy busts your call - no qso. if the other guy busts your serial no - no qso. In mixed mode if the other guy forgets to change mode in his logger - no qso. In some contests not only do uniques get booted but if a station makes less than 5 q's (sometimes more) and does not submit a log, his contacts are disregarded, tough or what? So not only do you suffer your own errors you lose out for the other guys errors too!
Certainly these rules have made me much more careful about my logging and, hopefully make me a better operator, becuase the penalties have been quite severe. No system is perfect, there are anomolies, dx stations work more uniques, maybe no bad thing as it levels the playingfield. One gripe I do have is that some guys use a logging prog but (in cw) send by hand. I have lost q,s because they send s/n 27 which I log, their logging prog shows they sent 027 so another bust for me. What do we do? - I was always taught to log what I hear however I need to keep the points I earned so must second guess he is using a logger and enter that missing leading zero.
Those hand senders also on occaisions send the s/n next to the one they should send, again I lose out.
Overall if we consider that the same rules apply to everyone that should even things out when it comes to the final results table but the importance of working and logging dupes should be clear, ignore them at your cost.
73 Brian 5B4AIZ (C4Z).
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