[CQ-Contest] SS Musings...

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Thu Nov 12 01:48:38 PST 2009

K5ZD wrote: "I would drop my sending speed to match that of the station that 
called and
send the exchange.
It is far more efficient to slow down and send everything once, than send
bits and pieces multiple times."

Personally, I feel that any S/P station should try to match the CQing 
station's speed. I program a separate macro, for when I'm CQing, just for 
those "machine gun" stations that call!
It contains the exchange, followed by PSE QRS. Copying a call sign, at 
"machine gun" speed, is one thing...copying an exchange, such as is required 
for SS, is another. I only had one station fail to honor my "PSE QRS' 
request, and they showed up, later on, at a slower speed, and we completed a 
contact. I only had one goal, for SS....work DE, for ARRL Triple 
Play...mission accomplished, thanks to WW3DE.

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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