[CQ-Contest] How unethical is this?

Tree tree at kkn.net
Fri Nov 13 08:13:56 PST 2009

K3KU writes:

> We're talking about maybe 5 QSOs in a log that will be lucky to get
> 300.  Of course, your opinion should NOT be influenced by the
> closeness of the PVRC-NCCC SS competition going into the SSB weekend,
> and any thought that I might give them a PVRC roster.  :>)

Encouraging activity is a good thing.  Encouraging them to work people is
a great thing.  I think that is the key.  If these people all ended up 
working the same six club members, then it would start looking a lot like
some of the logs we get for the IARU contest - that all have 12 QSOs, with
the same HQ station in each band/mode for the contest.  Smells poor as 
WB6VFJ used to say.

I would say having an activity hour for the club is fine - but I would 
encourage everyone to make some other QSOs if they are able.   


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