[CQ-Contest] Multi-Single Band Change Rule - I vote NO!

Robert L. Shohet kq2m at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 16 15:27:42 PST 2009

Hi Everyone,

I am a believer that rules should not be changed unless there is
a CLEAR benefit to doing so.

Coming up with an arbitrary number of band changes per hour
(6, or 10 or 12 is just as arbitrary as 8) simply adds unnecessary
complexity and confusion.

It's almost like saying that if you are playing scramble golf with
a partner, that you can only hit "X" number of shots to one side of the
fairway/green per hole, or you can only use a 7-iron a maximum of 
two total shots per hole.   What is the point of this?

Is the point to discourage potential M/S operations to that they
operate either Single Op or M/2?  I don't get it.

What about the M/S records that were established using 2 radios
and last year's rules?  What purpose does it serve to make them 
almost unreachable in the future with a proposed major 
limiting rule in effect?  The more competitive ops certainly like
to shoot for new records - I may be mistaken but I think that I
remember K5ZD writing in a WPX contest announcement something
to the effect of "Pick a record and try to break it"?

Was there a groundswell of ACTIVE WPX contest ops that rose up and
said "Change the M/S rule?"  Maybe I missed it, but I am not aware of 
anything like that.

Did K5ZD choose to make a unilateral decision to dramatically
change the category?  I hope not.  If he did, why would that be appropriate?
Shouldn't the participants have at least as much say in rule changes
as the contest mgr?

I understand the concept of only one transmitted signal at one time,
but is that what the M/S participants want?  Reading the comments,
so far, I am not sure that they were asked about this before the proposed
rule change.  Seems to me that the opinion of the M/S ops in this contest
should count most of all.  After all, they are the ones that would be affected 
the most.  Maybe there is data to support to change and I am simply aware 
of it.  Is that the case?.

The one thing that I DO like, is that the S/N would increment regardless of
which radio made the qso.  That is long overdue.

In the meantime, just like in business, more "arbitrary regulations", like more taxes,
discourages activity and slows down future growth.  Let's not forget that contest scores
INCREASE when artificial constraints are REMOVED!

Adding unnecessary rules and complexity only serves to DECREASE activity and
DECREASE scores.  That does not help anyone!  Keep the M/S band change rule the way it is
and ENCOURAGE MORE activity, MORE q's and HIGHER scores!  That has been
the essence of WPX rule changes over the past 15 years.  

This proposed rule change would be a BIG STEP BACKWARD! 

Bob KQ2M

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