[CQ-Contest] 1977 vanity calls (was Watch your dits thisweekend)

Milt, N5IA n5ia at zia-connection.com
Wed Nov 25 07:20:00 PST 2009

>> Zack Widup wrote:
>> Yep, I got one of those. Some of my friends who also got 1X2's in or 
>> around
>> 1976 were K9CW, K9PW, K9DF, K9JA, W9GR, K9JM.

I think any of us that were involved in the "Great Callsign Rush" will never 
forget filling out the paperwork,waiting in anxiety for the mail to come, 
and then being exhilarated at the final result.  I think I was in the third 
group, and the callsign I wound up with was perhaps the 4th or 5th option. 
After the obvious choices of the state abbreviation, NA, US, DX, etc., I 
went for short baud count on CW.  I ended up with a state abbreviation, but 
not for that reason.

I opted for one of the virgin "N" prefix calls.  I have never felt sorry 
that I did so.  Many asked how you could give up a callsign that everyone 
knew you by.  I said it was just like putting on a new change of clothes. 
Same guy; fresh look.  My 1 x 3, after the dropping of the Novice "N", was a 
retread.  On SSB it was always being interpreted wrong.  Many old "salts" 
had told me they would kill for the FPO suffix, but I notice no one has 
picked up the call after more than 30 years of being available.

Some of my ham friends who went the same route at that time, and still sport 
the callsigns, are N7CK, K7KI, N6DD, N6CA and N7XL.

73, and a wish for a joyous Thanksgiving Day and holiday weekend to 

Milt, N5IA --  formerly K5FPO

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