[CQ-Contest] 2009 PA qso party

ka3qlf at comcast.net ka3qlf at comcast.net
Tue Oct 6 12:00:16 PDT 2009

This coming weekend, October 10th and 11th is the annual PA Qso Party. Complete rules can be found at the following URL: 


A few points about this contest...log submissions, for whatever reason, they still require a snail mailed summary sheet. Even if you submit your log electronically, they still want the summary sheet. Also, PSK31 and RTTY are considered separate modes. This event also has a bonus station worth an extra 200 points per qso, added on to final score, After multipliers and qso points. This years bonus station is N3KAE out of Wyoming county, PA I am honored to be the primary CW op at this station. We plan to be active on all contest bands, 2M-160M, utilizing CW, and SSB on 10-160, with RTTY and PSK on 20-80. There are some scheduled contest "high band activity periods" While we are active on 15 and 10M, that is when we plan to begin digital activity on 20M. <40 and 80> digital will be scattered throughout the contest when the cw op (me) needs a break. New this year to the PA Qso Party is a PSK-31 plaque. 

For the 6M enthusiasts, we will be parked at or very near 50.135, cqing mainly with SSB, and we would like to switch from ssb to CW on same freq immediately following the ssb qso. 2m will be fm only, on or near 146.55. 

Please work us often, and don;t be afraid to spot us on any cluster. 

For our dx friends, while on 20M the beam may be pointed west, when I am the op, I will be calling at times for dx only, and will swing beam to wherever is needed  Also, Sunday morning the beam is generally pointed east, to give EU and africa a better shot. Saturday evening time, on 40 and 80M CW, I also will be calling at times for DX only, so please do not be afraid to call us. Any questions, please feel free to shoot over an email. I look forward to working many of you during this event. 

Best 73--Scott, KA3QLF

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