[CQ-Contest] Announcing 2nd PVRC/NCCC Joint Webinar

Dean Wood cqden6de at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 21:19:41 PDT 2009

Hi all, the NCCC put on this webinar last month, and we'd like to do
it again for the entire worldwide contest community.  Thanks to PVRC
for helping us make this a reality.  I'm pleased to announce the
following webinar:

Looking for a good 160m antenna that will fit on a city lot without a
tall tower?  See the full presentation behind John K6MM's award
winning article in the June 2009 QST, including detailed antenna
construction steps and photos.  Get your station ready on 160m for
Stew Perry, NAQP, and the winter ARRL & CQ 160m contests!

Presenter: John Miller, K6MM
Topic: A 160M Helically Wound Vertical -- Beam Me Up Scotty - No Excuses!
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 9:00pm-10:30pm EDT
[October 15, 01:00Z - 02:30Z]

How to attend this webinar:

Step 1:
You need to register to attend this webinar at:

Step 2:
Read the quick start guide at:

Step 3:
You'll need:
1) Your web browser to view the presentation
2) Your speakers or headphones plugged into your sound card to hear
the audio.  If you plan to ask a question, you'll need to also plug a
mic into your sound card.  You cannot call in to this webinar by

-Dean - N6DE

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