[CQ-Contest] WPX Trophies

Randy Thompson K5ZD k5zd at charter.net
Mon Oct 12 09:25:58 PDT 2009

I am very pleased to report that I just spent the past 2 hours working on
determining who will the 49 sponsored trophies for the 2009 WPX SSB Contest.
There are a lot of great ops who fought their way to the top of their
category or region!

At the same time, I couldn't help but notice how weighted the trophy program
is toward the High Power entrants.  Only 4 trophies were awarded to Low
Power entries!   That seems unfair since Low Power makes up 2100 of the 4086
logs received.

There's still time to balance things out.  Take a peek at
http://www.cqwpx.com/plaques.htm and see if there is an unsponsored award
you would be interested in taking on.  Or suggest a new one. Check out both
SSB and CW.

Send your requests or suggestions to the award meister for the WPX SSB/CW
Contests - Doug, K1DG.  k1dg at cqwpx.com

As always, thanks to everyone who participated and helped make the WPX such
a fun contest.

Randy Thompson, K5ZD

Director - CQ WPX Contest

email: k5zd at cqwpx.com
web: www.cqwpx.com

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