[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Operation Announcement - Suggestion

Bill Feidt bill at ng3k.com
Wed Oct 21 05:05:10 PDT 2009

hank.k8dd wrote:

> A web page, rather than a reflecter, would be good for announced 
> operations for Contesters .... NG3K seems to only wants "big time" 
> operations and it's nice to have a page that can be printed for
> single & multi stations to have around. And a place for "small time"
> operations like we do to let everyone know where we're going to be
> operating from!

Just to clarify, I really don't try to exclude "small time operations"
from my contest announcement lists.  What I'm trying to avoid is having
to process and list a large number of SO operations from common
CQ WW entities.  Including these would inevitably become a huge 
time-sink for me (the creation and processing of the lists already 
demand a good deal of my time) and would, in my opinion, diminish the 
usefulness of the list for most users.  But, I do include:

  o All multi operations, no matter what the entity
  o All operations from less common entities
  o Operations from rarer CQ Zones (for contests in which zones count
    as multipliers)
  o Unusual call signs

I also reserve the right to include operations that I believe may be of 
particular interest to the community.

But, I certainly don't exclude "small time operations" that meet these 



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