[CQ-Contest] New Tower Results

AD5VJ Bob rtnmi at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 25 23:47:59 PDT 2009

Thanks for all the help and advice over the years:

Don't let anyone tell you that 30 foot of tower and a small beam cant make any difference, just DO IT. 

Could higher and bigger make an even bigger difference, ask W3LL (me thinks so)

Low power single OP

CQWWSSB total 
for me at 30 feet AD5VJ
Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0     0        0
   80:   27     7       14
   40:   72    19       39
   20:  164    25       63
   15:  193    25       74
   10:    0     0        0
Total:  456    76      190  
Total Score = 321,328

Totals for W3LL 
at a hundred feet with steppir

Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   10     3        5
   80:   40     9       22
   40:  126    21       62
   20:  282    30       94
   15:  377    28      111
   10:   56     8       17
Total:  891    99      311  
Total Score = 1,013,930

But thats ok I am happy (for now)


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