[CQ-Contest] Self-Spotting

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 12:34:51 PDT 2009

> There is a local debate regarding use of the PacketCLuster. Looking for some comments.
> If the contest rules do not specify, it is acceptable to spot your own call on Packet?
> Rick W1TY

Another point not yet mentioned with regards to self-spotting is that most contests specifically limit contest activity to certain bands.  Self-spotting is considered a solicitation for contacts. For HF contests, use of the spotting network is not conducted by those bands, whether via a VHF/UHF packet link or through the Internet.  Therefore, even if it is not explicitly forbidden, the requirement that contacts be made (including soliciting them) on specific bands almost always precludes self-spotting.

And as KR2Q pointed out...it's considered unsporting, as well.

73, Ward N0AX

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